CM Punk / Samoa Joe


Como el propio Samoa Joe lo predijo hace algunos meses, dos ex-campeones de ROH son ahora los poseedores del Título de Peso Completo en las dos más grandes empresas en los Estados Unidos, WWE y TNA

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160 comentarios en «CM Punk / Samoa Joe»

  1. ademas los que no quieren a SAMOA JOE son los mismo fans de TNA y no los considero fan boy solo que no quieren a gordo como campeon prefieren a

  2. Es q esos estupidos fanboys
    les gusta los luchadores con carisma,
    con un buen personaje, que hable al microfono, q tenga un gran cuerpo musculoso, aunke no luche, por eso existen muchos estupidos q idolatran a Cena, Batista y jajaja a Triple H, la verdad son unos pndjos
    La lucha libre es lo q se hace en el ring, se demuestra por q son verdaderos luchadores y no payasos q solo saben hablar en un microfono,
    solo cxheken lo q posteó este imbecil:


    joe sera mejor luchador pero no tiene una mierda carisma prefiero a punk como campeon q a samoa joe habiendo otros como kurt angle aj styles y christian cage

    o este estupido fanboy:


    samoa joe no es mas que un gordo carecrimen

    a llos se ve q solo les importa el estupido show,
    ac en America la lucha deberia ser como en Japon, q solo importa lo q demuestran en un Ring no si son carismaticos
    alla es un verdadero deporte, no se dan por vencido aunke les apliquen un movimiento devastador, es primero el orgullo y dar un buen espectaculo al publico, en WWE solo son novelas y favorecer a sus protegidos
    muy bien por TNA q hace ver la lucha libre como un deporte aunke tambien existen storylines aubsurdas y pues ROH ni hablar la mejor empresa en America aunke stan metiendo storylines

  3. Pues no se quien sea mejor CM Punk o Samoa Joe pero los 2 dieron grandes peleas en ROH.
    Mauricio te quejas de que dicen que Punk es mejor que Joe por el micro, diria que talvez si porque estan muy parejos en tecnia, o ahora me vas a decir que no viste a Punk en ROH.
    Estoy deacuerdo en que no importa si saben manejar el mic o no se supone que es lucha libre y no evento de carisma, pero si se pueden convinar las 2 pues mejor, lamentablemente punk en WWE no a brillado por provenir de ROH y por eso no lo dejan actuar al 100%

  4. Si vi a CM Punk en ROH
    y pues era muchisimo mejor q en WWE
    pero no creo q esten parejos en tecnica
    tal vez viste un match en Youtube entre ellos
    pero pues samoa joe no podia hacer ver mal a Punk
    si no le daria una arrastrada
    y pues prefiero ver de campeon a un gordo feo q sabe luchar
    q a un mamado narizon sin tecnica que llega al titulo pr su vieja

  5. tna junta lo peor de roh y wwe no llega a los combates de roh y no tiene luchadores tan carismaticos como los de wwe. veo roh y pienso eso es buena lucha luego veo tna intentando copiar el estilo de wwe y eso se ve en los ratings hasta la mugrosa ecw supera a tna en rating si quieren mas rating q se centren en algo o si hacen las dos cosas por lo menos q las hagan bien

  6. casi siempre TNA supera a ECW en ratings
    claro ECW tiene publicidad en los programas de WWE
    por eso existe gente q ve ese mugrero
    y q chinguen a su madre tus pinches idolos carimasticos

  7. pues que puedo comentar., solo decir que ya era hora de cambiar de WHC, siempre los mismos….Batista, Cena, Triple H….con un pinche movimiento destruyen a su rival no mms….y sobre TNA las veces que lleguer a ver su lucha…me gusto….porque se dan conmadre los chingazos…y neta la WWE me gusta…pero ya que paren de hablar…y mas lucha…

  8. de hecho la novela nada mas es en raw smackdown y ecw tiene mas lucha ayer en raw de 2 horas de show solo 4 peleas y todas bien aburridas la unika ke se salvo fue la de kofi y tambien stubo media chafa

  9. Hablando de CM Punk, ¿porque ya no usa la Anaconda Vice? me acuerdo que cuando empezaba en WWE ese era su finisher, pero ya no supe porque lo cambio por el GTS.

  10. The ROH World Title holds a very special place in the wrestling industry. The ROH belt isn’t about who plays politics or who is friends with the writers or who looks good under fancy pyrotechnics. The ROH World Title signifies the best the sport of pro wrestling has to offer. We can back that statement up.

    Since Samoa Joe made the ROH strap into a World Title on May 17th, 2003, there have been eight individuals that have held the belt. Each forged their own legacy with the ROH World Title. Now they have risen to the top throughout the entire wrestling world. Need proof?

    Current ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness has come into his own as a superstar with two match of the year candidates on pay-per-view and great title defenses against all comers on ROH DVDs this year. At this rate he will be at the top of every wrestler of the year poll at the end of the year. It is time for everyone to start buzzing about what McGuinness has done as ROH World Champion.

    Former 15 month ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson is the most sought after wrestler in the world. In the past month he has wrestled for ROH, WWE, AAA and NOAH. He has worked for the top companies in the United States, Japan and Mexico. He has also wrestled in England and Germany. Again, he has done all of this in the last month alone. Can anyone in the last 20 years claim this accomplishment?

    Former six month ROH World Champion Austin Aries is simply the ace of ROH. His team with Roderick Strong made the ROH Tag Titles into World Tag Team Titles and raised its prestige to the highest in the sport. He has carried ROH on his back. He is currently in the middle of wrestling’s most intense, emotional and intricate feud against Jimmy Jacobs and The Age Of The Fall.

    Former eight month ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima is now the GHC Heavyweight Champion in NOAH. This is considered by many to be the most prestigious title in Japan.

    Former 21 month ROH World Champion Samoa Joe is the current TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

    CM Punk, who owns arguably ROH’s most controversial World Title reign, is the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion after setting the wrestling world on fire with his surprising title win last Monday on Raw.

    Homicide, who held the ROH World Title briefly after an incredible win, is now one half of the TNA Tag Team Champions.

    We have heard it from the critics over the years when it comes to ROH talent. In 2004 when Samoa Joe and CM Punk were battling to one hour classics for the ROH World Title the journalists looked for any holes they could find. They said that they were too small, they didn’t have the bodies, this would be their career highlights, they weren’t cut out to make it anywhere else. The negatives went on and on. Well, now it is time to face it and you can’t deny it.

    The fact is that the best talent is in ROH. The fact is that this talent cut free and allowed to perform their art with no restrictions or politics. The fact is that only the elite rise to the top of ROH.

    The ROH World Title signifies the best pro wrestling has to offer. You can’t deny the place of the ROH World Title and what it means to the entire industry now. It is time to take notice and get ahead of the curve with Ring Of Honor.

  11. The ROH World Title holds a very special place in the wrestling industry. The ROH belt isn’t about who plays politics or who is friends with the writers or who looks good under fancy pyrotechnics. The ROH World Title signifies the best the sport of pro wrestling has to offer. We can back that statement up.

    Since Samoa Joe made the ROH strap into a World Title on May 17th, 2003, there have been eight individuals that have held the belt. Each forged their own legacy with the ROH World Title. Now they have risen to the top throughout the entire wrestling world. Need proof?

    Current ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness has come into his own as a superstar with two match of the year candidates on pay-per-view and great title defenses against all comers on ROH DVDs this year. At this rate he will be at the top of every wrestler of the year poll at the end of the year. It is time for everyone to start buzzing about what McGuinness has done as ROH World Champion.

    Former 15 month ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson is the most sought after wrestler in the world. In the past month he has wrestled for ROH, WWE, AAA and NOAH. He has worked for the top companies in the United States, Japan and Mexico. He has also wrestled in England and Germany. Again, he has done all of this in the last month alone. Can anyone in the last 20 years claim this accomplishment?

    Former six month ROH World Champion Austin Aries is simply the ace of ROH. His team with Roderick Strong made the ROH Tag Titles into World Tag Team Titles and raised its prestige to the highest in the sport. He has carried ROH on his back. He is currently in the middle of wrestling’s most intense, emotional and intricate feud against Jimmy Jacobs and The Age Of The Fall.

    Former eight month ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima is now the GHC Heavyweight Champion in NOAH. This is considered by many to be the most prestigious title in Japan.

    Former 21 month ROH World Champion Samoa Joe is the current TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

    CM Punk, who owns arguably ROH’s most controversial World Title reign, is the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion after setting the wrestling world on fire with his surprising title win last Monday on Raw.

    Homicide, who held the ROH World Title briefly after an incredible win, is now one half of the TNA Tag Team Champions.

    We have heard it from the critics over the years when it comes to ROH talent. In 2004 when Samoa Joe and CM Punk were battling to one hour classics for the ROH World Title the journalists looked for any holes they could find. They said that they were too small, they didn’t have the bodies, this would be their career highlights, they weren’t cut out to make it anywhere else. The negatives went on and on. Well, now it is time to face it and you can’t deny it.

    The fact is that the best talent is in ROH. The fact is that this talent cut free and allowed to perform their art with no restrictions or politics. The fact is that only the elite rise to the top of ROH.

    The ROH World Title signifies the best pro wrestling has to offer. You can’t deny the place of the ROH World Title and what it means to the entire industry now. It is time to take notice and get ahead of the curve with Ring Of Honor.

  12. aqui nos debemos guiar por cuanto dinero le reditua a vince cualquiera que tenga con el titulo cena estuvo un resto con el titulo porque vendia mercancia al por mayor y le significaba mas dinero a vince por eso puso a punk como campeon pero al igual que rey misterio van a ser unas palizas de parte de cualquiera mas grande que el tan solo con batista o cena ahi tiene tal vez donde se vea mas balanceado y lo mas probable que hagan es que sus primeros retadores sean jericho y rey misterio que van mas al estilo de punk y mas de su peso que si va con grandes nunca la va a hacer y en cuanto con samoa joe le lleva por mucho al punk pero en cuestion de manejo del microfono y carisma punk le gana a joe

  13. hay q ser fan boy por q no te guste un gordo sin carisma q no le quiere ni su madre. si de verdad gustase la lucha libre como deporte serian todos tipo big show q por muchas ostias q le den en la vida real se te tira encima y t mata

  14. Hablando de CM Punk, ¿porque ya no usa la Anaconda Vice? me acuerdo que cuando empezaba en WWE ese era su finisher, pero ya no supe porque lo cambio por el GTS.

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