Comunicado de The Heartbreak Express sobre el incidente en Panamá

La noche de ayer, recibimos un comunicado oficial por parte de The Heartbreak Express en relación al incidente en Panamá, que provocó la ira del país.

En resumen anota:

  • The Heartbreak Express causó irá en Panamá durante su visita al país.
  • El punto culminante fue la entrevista en televisión, en la cual la bandera de Panamá fue pisoteada.
  • Los luchadores fueron sacados del show.
  • The Heartbreak Express llegaron sanos y salvos de regreso a los Estados Unidos el domingo, a pesar de amenazas anónimas.
  • Sean y Phil Davis de The Heartbreak Express declararon: Reflexionando, nos damos cuenta que hicimos algo estúpido y lo lamentamos, aunque la producción del programa tiene parte de la culpa, no su inadecuada dirección.
  • Ambos agregan que desean extender una disculpa formal a la gente de Panamá y a los promotores de Revolution Xtreme Wrestling por todos los problemas que pudieron haber causado
  • Esperan además que las cosas se resuelvan y poder continuar trabajando con RXW.

El comunicado completo, se reproduce a continuación:

«Pro Wrestlers The Heartbreak Express Make Official Statement

St. Petersburg, Florida… To recap what happened over the weekend: This past Friday will be a day remembered in the The Republic of Panama.

American Pro Wrestling’s hottest tag team The Heartbreak Express (Sean and Phil Davis) caused uproar in the country while on tour.
On the The Republic of Panama’s most watched morning television show, TU MAÑANA, in front of an estimated 5 million viewers the Heartbreak Express and their protégé Nick Fame took the flag of Panama and threw it on the ground and stomped on it during a live interview.

This was also covered by various sources on the internet from the United States to Panama.
The Heartbreak Express ended up getting back to the United States safely (there were various death threats on radio stations) on Sunday and had these statements to say after taking some time to reflect on what happened.

Sean and Phil Davis of The Heartbreak Express had this to say:

«We want to make an official comment on this situation in Panama and the incident that happened on national television the morning of October 24 regarding the disrespecting of the flag of The Republic of Panama.

In hindsight this was obviously a stupid thing to do and we regret it totally BUT in our defense this was one of five television appearances we made in a two day period. Every other show we appeared on, the producers of the show met with us to go over exactly what we were going to do on the show to make sure it was ok.

This was the ONLY show we did where we were given NO direction at all before going on live television even though we asked many times beforehand for them to tell us what they wanted us to do so we ended up doing pretty much the same thing we had done the day before on a MTV type music program which was approved by the show’s producer.

That said we both want to make a formal apology to the wonderful people of The Republic of Panama and to the promoters of Revolution Xtreme Wrestling for all of the trouble this has caused them. The fact is that we love the people of Panama and we have been treated like family by so many great people there and want nothing more than to make things right and be able to return to perform for our many fans there and to see again our extended family members at Revolution Xtreme Wrestling.»


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8 comentarios en «Comunicado de The Heartbreak Express sobre el incidente en Panamá»

  1. creo que es un alboroto muy grande en cuanto a una estupidez si te pisotean la bandera unos personajes luchisticos y te enojas estas muy mal de la cabeza creo que se estan ahogando en un vaso de agua lo unico que queda es pedir disculpas para la gente que se sintio mal por una estupidez, si a mi me pisoteara la bandera un heel del wrestling lo abucheo pero no hago una guerra mundial por algo asi es un show solamente no sean tan amargados por favor

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